@extends('admin.body.adminmaster') @section('admin') @php date_default_timezone_set("Asia/Calcutta"); //India time (GMT+5:30) $date= date('Y-m-d'); $users = DB::select("SELECT (SELECT COUNT(id) FROM users) as totaluser, (SELECT COUNT(id) FROM game_setting) as totalgames, (SELECT COUNT(id) FROM colour_bet) as totalbet, (SELECT COUNT(id) FROM feedback) as totalfeedback, COALESCE ( (SELECT SUM(amount) FROM user_payin WHERE status=1),0)as totaldeposit, COALESCE ((SELECT SUM(amount) FROM withdraw_history WHERE withdraw_history.status = 2 AND withdraw_history.date LIKE '$date%'),0)as tamount, COALESCE ((SELECT SUM(amount) FROM withdraw_history WHERE withdraw_history.status = 2 ),0)as totalwithdraw, COALESCE((SELECT SUM(amount) FROM user_payin WHERE status = '1' AND user_payin.created_at LIKE '$date%'), 0) as tdeposit, SUM(commission) as commissions, COALESCE( (SELECT (today_turnover) FROM users WHERE id = 2 AND users.created_at LIKE '$date'),0 )as todayturnover, COUNT(id) as users, SUM(turnover) as total_turnover FROM users;") @endphp



Total Player


Total Games


Total Turnover


Today Turnover


Total Commission


Total Deposit


Today Deposit


Total Withdrawl


Today Withdrawl



{{-- --}} {{--

Extra Area Chart

--}} {{--


Progress Bar

Facebook 73%
Twitter 62%
Instagram 54%
Google plus 82%
Other 48%
--}} {{--


User confirmation

  • # Herman Beck Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis. 12 min ago
  • # John Smith On the other hand, we denounce. 12 min ago
  • # John Smith Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis. 12 min ago
  • # John Smith On the other hand, we denounce. 12 min ago